D&J Small Engine Repair
Below is a list of our most popular services and requests with pricing. For additional questions with pricing, visit our contact page and give us a call, text, or email.
Price for pickup varies based on location (Distance from Roscoe, IL)
All Prices on this page do not include the costs of misc. parts that your machine may require. For pricing related specifically to your machine, contact us by phone text or email. Thanks for your consideration
Lawn Mower Services:
Complete Tune-up: Entire Machine cleaning, new fuel filter, oil filter, oil change,Tire inspection and pressure correction, blade sharpening, deck alignment, greasing of all fittings and joints, engine tune-up and new air filter. Price: $200.00 (parts and labor included)
New Tubes in tires. Removal and cleaning of old leaking tire and insertion of a tube along with tire pressure inspection and correction on all tires. Price: $80 (parts cost not included)
Blade Sharpening and Deck Alignment. This includes sharpening the blades on the mower deck, cleaning of deck and deck components and proper aligning and balancing of all deck components. Price: $60 (parts cost not included)
Snow Blower Prices: 2 cycle and 4 cycle
Carburetor Cleaning and rebuild: Cleaning and rebuilding of all components inside your machine's carburetor including gaskets, seals, needles and seats. (Some carbs in more severe condition may require replacement)
Price: $45-$85 for single stage and $75-$150 for dual stage (parts cost not included)
Full tune-up: Greasing all moving parts, Machine Cleaning, Fuel filter replacement, oil change (if applicable), fuel system cleaning, oil filter change (if applicable)
Price: $60-100 for single stage and $125-$175 for dual stage (parts cost not included)
*For additional questions about pricing, see our "Contact" page.